Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pull out our brain....

     I've stumbled upon the blog Cupcakes and Cauldrons by Nicole Cody this past week. I'm positive it was not by accident. She has some wonderful things to say so if you get a chance visit her site. It's well worth your time.
    The other day I was reading her blog, Listen with your eyes..... Nicole used Pablo Piccaso's quote, If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes, as a way to deal with every day life. This tecnique also comes in handy when you have to deal with someone who is trying to steal your calm.
     When I read it, it transferred right to my artistic mind as something that is a necessity to every artist.  As I go out to photograph my subjects, I need to turn off that part of my brain that wants to tell me what the name of the object is and how it grows or even smells. It reminds me to delight in what has presented itself to me within that moment. Grasp it's beauty and explore it to the max.
     Columbine is one of my favorites in the garden. This particular one reminds me of little lanturns. While some of the wild columbines remind me of dragon heads. They are one of the first perenials to grab my attention in the spring getting me ready for a new season of floral photography.
     What a beautiful elegant beginning.

Columbine.........., this weeks image of the week at

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