Saturday, July 12, 2008

A photographic season of fruits and veggies.

What a beautiful summer we're having! And a perfect time to go out and get those wonderful images of summer while the gardens are in full bloom.
After lots of request for something different to hang in the kitchen, I've decided to direct my work into a line of fruits and veggies. Sounds pretty simple until I started the project.
This process started back in March when we heated up the greenhouse to start our seeds. Then the garden soil had to be prepared for planting and with weeks of weeding and watering everything is coming in all at once.
This weekend we'll be out there collecting plant leaves, bringing them into the greenhouse, setting them and finally getting to take the long awaited shots I've been planning all year. Seems it would have been a lot easier if I could have purchased them from the grocery store but without the leaves that come with them, it's just half the shot.
These images will then be edited using my close friend, photoshop along with any other computer program that fits my imagination. Sorting through at least 2000 images will take me all winter long to edit. After which they will be used for prints or even a line of ceramic tiles. So by next summer's art shows , a simple print of tomatoes or squash will be ready for the harvest, two years after an idea was conceived.
Our kitchen designs from last summer can now be seen on my webpage
Enjoy and happy gardening!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

A new season of Art Shows

June is here and it's time to get going on the summer art shows. Every year we get a little nervous starting out because you just never know if we are really prepared until we're at the shows setting up. Then the inevitable question comes up....."Will anyone even show up?" And every year they do, and Jenny and I get to visit with everyone who came last year and the previous years. Like old friends stopping by to say hello and catch up on what's new. Thanks guys, we love it.

This year we added a new show in Toledo, Ohio. We're branching out of state even if it is only a few miles out of state. We hope to do well there since it is the Crosby Botanical Gardens and well, you know how much I will be fitting in there. Only problem is going to be keeping me and my camera in the booth. As I'm sure I'll be needing lots of creative breaks in the gardens.

Looking forward to seeing you at the shows.


this years show schedule

Monday, May 19, 2008

Going Green. Spring is here.

Going Green!
Spring is here. Our long michigan winters really make you appreciate spring. At the first sign of color, any excuse is a good one to go out and enjoy it. Of course all those garden chores come along with them. I've been working hard at getting all the gardens in order for the summer. Planting annuals, perenials, trees, vegetables and of course planning that next garden.
I've been studying companion gardening this past winter and have tried something different when planting my vegetable garden. Basil with the tomatoes and beans with the strawberries. Sounds strange but it may work wonders. My garden journal will be filled with notes this year that's for sure.
This grass image and others are part of the New Blooms collection available on my website or at any of my upcoming art shows.

Hideaway Hilda

Hideaway Hilda